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I would like to express a massive thank you to those who supported my artistic and design activity and all supportive individuals who wish to remain anonymous.
The main partners of Mari JJ Design and Maria Juchnowska:
Polish Culture Institute New York, Polish Institute Dusseldorf, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Porzellanikon/ Ceramics and its Dimensions, Franz Collection Ltd., Norwegian Consulate New York, Norwegian Consulate Shanghai, Polish Consulate New York, WPHI New York, DogA Design og Architektur Norway, Norske Kunsthandverkere and many others who supported Mari JJ Design in the past.
Proudly collaborating with like-minded partners such as media, commercial brands, and institutional and government bodies to make each collaboration a resounding success. Please consider becoming a partner or a sponsor, more info below, or contact me directly through the contact icon.
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